AI and ML Banking Solutions

Derive Softtech along with AiDA, is aimed to power leading tier-1 insurance companies and banks with a strategic combination of Niche Technical Talent, Proprietary Technology, Financial Expertise, and Customer Centricity. Together, their multi-award-winning proprietary machine learning technology delivers innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions, driving results across all organizational levels for insurance companies and banks. The clients have been able to accelerate claims and lending processes, identify revenue potentials, drive cost reductions, and anticipate evolving risks.

Niche Technical Talent means having experience and expertise in a specific niche that makes it for you to solve any given challenge from that specific niche. This ensures guaranteed success.

Proprietary technology involves an application, tool, or system that belongs exclusively to a specific organization.

Effective management of finances is crucial for every business, and Aida’s financial experts offer you insights about the optimum utilization of your finances.